Wed Smart Takaful Plan
Wed Smart Takaful Plan
Being a father, daughter’s marriage is one of the biggest responsibilities you have. You want the best for your daughter’s future. Careful financial planning is required to ensure that your daughter’s marriage and other deeds are taken care of in your lifetime or even after that. Jubilee Life offers you WedSmart Takaful Plan, a unit linked endowment plan which gives you a dual advantage of protecting your children’s future and creating enough savings for them over the desired period of time to meet the anticipated future marriage expense.
Jubilee Life Insurance – Window Takaful Operations offers you WedSmart Takaful which is a Unit Linked Endowment Plan – Together with Takaful protection, this education plan will help you save on regular basis so that you may have financial security and realize the dream that you have for your children. Whatever your specific aim is, WedSmart Takaful will help you turn it into reality.
Download Wed Smart Takaful Plan Brochure
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